40 flatrides (28 at realease), including the teacups, the giant crazy ferris wheel, a top spin, venetian carroussel, vintage rides like the 1940's Roll-O-Plane, and many more. Frontier also added a 7th biome, CUSTOM, where you can mix and match 8 different textures of all the other biomes to create your perfect park, were desert, grass and snow can be in the same place. 7 biomes (5 at release): 6 different places to build your park between Tropical, Desert, Grassland, Alpine, Deciduous and the newest, Arctic, each with different lighting and terrain textures.
Your imagination is the limit here, and a perfect place to work on those real theme park recreations. Sandbox Mode: Build your dream theme park with any worry and everything unlocked.Theres 3 difficulty options on challenge mode. The game throws you also different challenges. Try to get you theme park going and dont lose money. Challenge Mode: Build your theme park with every management aspect of the game.Each scenario has 3 difficulty medals to beat.
Campaign Mode: 21 different scenarios each with their own little story and problems to solve.